Thursday, December 3, 2009

1000 Steps - Spokane, WA

On 11/29/09, an impromptu ghost investigation was sprung on me by Larry and his coworker. His coworker was going to bring a camcorder and we were bringing a camera and digital recorder.

There is an abandoned set of stone steps off the side of the road leading to the top part of the cemetery. It's very hard to see off of the side of the road and you have to go on a dirt trail up the hill slightly to get to them. They are not very safe as they are broken and the top portion are completely unusable.

The tale behind the name, "1000 Steps," is because people who start climbing never reach the top out of fear of the ghosts that appear before them. Some people claim to see apparitions, mist, orbs, you name it, they've reported it.

We staked out the site beforehand, but couldn't find the steps. When we came back at around 10pm, we found them. Unfortunately, it was a very foggy night, so none of the pictures came out well. This is a terrible picture of the steps:

It may be hard to tell, but these steps at night look like they came right out of a horror movie. On a cold night, as this was, you can see your breath and if you have your flashlight pointed up, that mist will come right back in your face causing disorientation and illusions. I can see where the tales come from.

Scary? Not really. We made it to the top. There were probably 20-30 steps in total and again, the top steps were in complete disrepair.

At the top there was a tomb and more gravestones. We did some EVP work, took a lot of pictures that wouldn't come out well because of the fog and felt nothing. Granted, this was probably by far the creepiest cemetery I've seen. Everywhere you looked felt like you were walking around in Hollywood's best vision of a haunted cemetery. But no activity occurred. No EVPs were found. This was an even worse picture that came out and yes, that is a flashlight giving me light for the shot. It was THAT foggy.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like fun. too bad it was so foggy that night.
